Picture by Yvan Rodic
Last week we were invited to assist front rows at the shows in Copenhagen Fashion Week. We couldn't have had a better time. I met amazing new people like the Gallery Team and went to the funnest bar on earth. If you ever visiting Copenhagen you can't miss Andy's bar, cant really give directions but Ive been at 5 in the morning and it was just insane! So yeah, back to business: I saw many many things I liked, many that I didn't like and a few that didn't really knew what to think... So I've basically chosen two designers who are worth mentioning for one reason or another.
Picture by Stilinberlin
The womenswear award goes to Louise Ampstrong and her Grunge Chic collection. It was one of the very few collections that made sense and the styling was perfect in every single way. For a second I felt like I was in London Fashion Week; the models, the music and, of course, the clothes. Well done Louise!
The menswear award goes to David Andersen eventhough his Givenchy inspirations where too easy and as one of my friends said, it looked more like a photshoot than a collection, with his gold safety pins and grey kilts, he made me smile from my seat...
Also thanks to the Danks Daily for the lovely pictures they took of us and for featuring me as the "envy of the day"
Copenhagen is such a wonderful city, filled with good and generous people, it was so much fun and I'm so happy I came back to London with new friends and a dispossable camera still waiting to be developed!
Prince Pelayo