Knitted pieces by Colin Henderson
Shoes by Gienchi Gap
A break from all the fashion shows to, well, talk about fashion and art (which most of the time comes together). I have this obsession with tattoos, as you all might have realized by now. As much as I wish I could just get my whole body tattooed in one go -with the right ones. I have to take my time and just wear fun stuff like the knitted pieces I wore in Paris. And the thing is, every time I wear this jumper, for the past month, everyone has being asking me about it. The genius who knitted these brilliant black and white pieces is Colin Henderson. So thank you Colin for taking me on a graphic journey and get me really close to all these images that I love so much and inspire me so much.
So here is your to do list:
get a tattoo, a jumper and some shoes from these guys!
And live!