Finally back in London, in my room! and before telling you all about the end of the summer,
madrid fashion week and a few other stories let me show you my room, that has been featured
on The Independent newspaper a couple of weeks ago
Por fin de vuelta en Londres, en mi habitacion! y antes de contaros todo sobre el final del verano
que tuve, la semana de la moda de madrid, y alguna que otra historia os voy a ensenar mi
habitacion, que hace un par de semanas la sacaron en el periodico Londinense "The Independent"
At home I swap my beloved Dr. Martens boots with confi hawaianas that I really enjoy wearing
with socks (by American Apparel). Here I'm also wearing leather trousers by David Andersen
(one of my favorite designers, from Copenhagen) and a army polo-shirt from UNIQLO